Steph: “One thing is to interrogate why you didn’t get that promotion. Ask them, how do you do payment increases? Why has that person gotten a promotion? The more intel you have, the better the decision you can make afterwards. The worst thing is second guessing yourself and thinking it is a you thing, when so often it is a them thing.”
Elizabeth: "There is a lack of women in leadership, so there is a lack of women being promoted. You could really be dealing with bias. I think it is important to understand the industry that you work in and the company that you work for and look around and see what's going on.
Another thing I will add, is that for me personally, when I'm really upset, I tend to write things down. If you know you're going to stay at the company, you don't want to go in everyday being angry. So, I write my feelings down, try to center myself and feel better. If I'm gonna stay, then I set out this is what I'm going to achieve, this is what I'm going to do. If I'm going to leave, this is why I'm going to leave... What you don't want to do is have a bad attitude and leave a bad experience with your line manager.”
Anna: It’s important to remember if things haven’t gone your way, understand that although it can feel intense, there are all the other things that make you happy, all the other things going on in your life.”